According to Juba minium is also a production of Carmania,[1]
and Timagenes says that it is found in Æthiopia. But from
neither of those regions is it imported to Rome, nor, indeed,
For there is, in fact, another kind[5] of minium, found in most
silver-mines as well as lead-mines, and prepared by the calcination
of certain stones that are found mixed with the metallic
vein—not the minerals, however, to the fluid humours of
which we have given[6] the name of quicksilver; for if those are
subjected to the action of fire they will yield silver—but another
kind of stone[7] that is found with them. These barren[8] stones,
too, may be recognized by their uniform leaden colour, and it
is only when in the furnace that they turn red. After being
duly calcined they are pulverized, and thus form a minium of
second-rate quality, known to but very few, and far inferior
to the produce of the native sand that we have mentioned.[9]
It is with this substance, then, as also with syricum, that
the genuine minium is adulterated in the manufactories of the
company. How syricum is prepared we shall describe in the
appropriate place.[10] One motive, however, for giving an under-coat
of syricum to minium, is the evident saving of expense
that results therefrom. Minium, too, in another way affords a
very convenient opportunity to painters for pilfering, by wash-
Genuine minium ought to have the brilliant colour of the kermes berry;[12] but when that of inferior quality is used for walls, the brightness of it is sure to be tarnished by the moisture, and this too, although the substance itself is a sort of metallic mildew. In the mines of Sisapo, the veins are composed exclusively of the sandy particles of minium, without the intermixture of any silver whatever; the practice being to melt it like gold. Minium is assayed by the agency of gold in a state of incandescence: if it has been adulterated, it will turn black, but if genuine, it retains its colour. I find it stated also that minium is adulterated with line; the proper mode of detecting which, is similarly to employ a sheet of red hot iron, if there should happen to be no gold at hand.
To objects painted with minium the action of the sun and moon is highly injurious. The proper method of avoiding this inconvenience, is to dry the wall, and then to apply, with a hair brush, hot Punic wax, melted with oil; after which, the varnish must be heated, with an application of gall-nuts, burnt to a red heat, till it quite perspires. This done, it must be smoothed down with rollers[13] made of wax, and then polished with clean linen cloths, like marble, when made to shine. Persons employed in the manufactories in preparing minium protect the face with masks of loose bladder-skin, in order to avoid inhaling the dust, which is highly pernicious; the covering being at the same time sufficiently transparent to admit of being seen through.
Minium is employed also for writing[14] in books; and the
letters made with it being more distinct, even on gold or marble,
it is used for the inscriptions upon tombs.